Report on the 4th session of the Informal Contact Group of Secretariats of Economic Co-operation and Integration Groupings of Developing Countries : note / by the UNCTAD Secretariat.
TitleReport on the 4th session of the Informal Contact Group of Secretariats of Economic Co-operation and Integration Groupings of Developing Countries : note / by the UNCTAD Secretariat.
AuthorsUNCTAD. Secretariat
Programme for Co-operation among Economic Co-operation and Integration Groupings of Developing Countries. Informal Contact Group of Secretariats (4th sess. : 1988 : Georgetown)
Programme for Co-operation among Economic Co-operation and Integration Groupings of Developing Countries. Informal Contact Group of Secretariats (4th sess. : 1988 : Georgetown)
DateGeneva : UN, 15 Feb. 1989.
iii, 20 p.