Resolution 1637 (2005) / adopted by the Security Council at its 5300th meeting, on 8 November 2005
TitleResolution 1637 (2005) / adopted by the Security Council at its 5300th meeting, on 8 November 2005
Other titles
Security Council resolution 1637 (2005) [on extension of the mandate of the Multinational Force in Iraq]
AccessEnglish: S_RES_1637(2005)-EN - PDF ; Español: S_RES_1637(2005)-ES - PDF ; Français: S_RES_1637(2005)-FR - PDF ; Other: S_RES_1637(2005)-DE - PDF ; Русский: S_RES_1637(2005)-RU - PDF ; العربية: S_RES_1637(2005)-AR - PDF ; 中文: S_RES_1637(2005)-ZH - PDF ;
Decides to extend the mandate of the multinational force as set forth in resolution 1546 (2004) until 31 Dec. 2006; decides further that the mandate for the multinational force shall be reviewed at the request of the Government of Iraq or no later than 15 June 2006 and declares that it will terminate this mandate earlier if requested by the Government of Iraq; decides to extend until 31 Dec. 2006 the arrangements established in para. 20 of resolution 1483 (2003) for the depositing into the Development Fund for Iraq of proceeds from export sales of petroleum, petroleum products, and natural gas and the arrangements referred to in para. 12 of resolution 1483 (2003) and para. 24 of resolution 1546 (2004) for the monitoring of the Development Fund for Iraq by the International Advisory and Monitoring Board; decides further that the above provisions shall be reviewed at the request of the Government of Iraq or no later than 15 June 2006; requests that the Secretary-General continue to report to the Council on UNAMI's operations in Iraq on a quarterly basis; requests that the United States, on behalf of the multinational force, continue to report to the Council on the efforts and progress of this force on a quarterly basis; decides to remain actively seized of the matter.
Action note2005-11-08
Vote summary
Adopted unanimously, 5300th meeting
Meeting record
Agenda information
S/ X The situation concerning Iraq.
S/ X The situation concerning Iraq.
Date[New York] : UN, 11 Nov. 2005
6 p.
Annexes (p. 4-6): 1. Letter dated 27 October 2005 from the Prime Minister of Iraq addressed to the President of the Security Council -- 2. Letter dated 29 October 2005 from the Secretary of State of the United States of America to the President of the Security Council.
Issued in: Resolutions and decisions of the Security Council, 1 August 2005-31 July 2006 - S/INF/61 - (SCOR, 60th year).
Issued in: Resolutions and decisions of the Security Council, 1 August 2005-31 July 2006 - S/INF/61 - (SCOR, 60th year).