Provisional summary record of the 25th meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Friday, 2 July 2004 : Economic and Social Council, substantive session of 2004, coordination segment
TitleProvisional summary record of the 25th meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Friday, 2 July 2004 : Economic and Social Council, substantive session of 2004, coordination segment
AccessEnglish: E_2004_SR.25-EN - PDF ; Español: E_2004_SR.25-ES - PDF ; Français: E_2004_SR.25-FR - PDF ;
Action note2004-07-02
Agenda information
E/2004/100 7e Mainstreaming a gender perspective into all policies and programmes in the United Nations System. GENDER MAINSTREAMING--UN SYSTEM
E/2004/100 4a Review and appraisal of the system-wide implementation of the Council's agreed conclusions 1997/2 on mainstreaming a gender perspective into all policies and programmes in the United Nations System. GENDER MAINSTREAMING--REVIEW
E/2004/100 4a Review and appraisal of the system-wide implementation of the Council's agreed conclusions 1997/2 on mainstreaming a gender perspective into all policies and programmes in the United Nations System. GENDER MAINSTREAMING--REVIEW
Date[New York] : UN, 24 Aug. 2004
9 p.