Note verbale dated 2004/08/26 from the Permanent Mission of Peru to the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Secretariat of the Conference forwarding the Declaration of San Francisco de Quito on the establishment and development of the Andean Zone of Peace, adopted on 12 July 2004 in Quito, Ecuador
TitleNote verbale dated 2004/08/26 from the Permanent Mission of Peru to the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the Secretariat of the Conference forwarding the Declaration of San Francisco de Quito on the establishment and development of the Andean Zone of Peace, adopted on 12 July 2004 in Quito, Ecuador
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Transmits Declaration of San Francisco de Quito on the Establishment of the Andean Zone of Peace, adopted in Quito, 12 June 2004.
Declaration of San Francisco de Quito on the Establishment of the Andean Zone of Peace (2004)
DateGeneva : UN, 13 Sept. 2004
5 p.
CollectionsResource Type > Documents and Publications > Letters and Notes Verbales