International co-operation in the monitoring, assessment and anticipation of environmental threats : draft decision / submitted by the Vice Chairman, H.E. José Fernandez (Philippines), on the basis of informal consultations held on draft resolution A/C.2/43/L.25/Rev.2.
TitleInternational co-operation in the monitoring, assessment and anticipation of environmental threats : draft decision / submitted by the Vice Chairman, H.E. José Fernandez (Philippines), on the basis of informal consultations held on draft resolution A/C.2/43/L.25/Rev.2.
AccessEnglish: A_C.2_43_L.72-EN - PDF ; Español: A_C.2_43_L.72-ES - PDF ; Français: A_C.2_43_L.72-FR - PDF ;
Agenda information
A/43/251 82 Development and international economic cooperation. ECONOMIC COOPERATION--DEVELOPMENT
A/43/251 82g Long-term strategy for sustainable and environmentally sound development. ECODEVELOPMENT
A/43/251 82g Long-term strategy for sustainable and environmentally sound development. ECODEVELOPMENT
Date[New York] : UN, 1 Dec. 1988.
[1] p.