Minutes of the meeting of the Bureau of the Committee on Environmental Policy, Geneva, 4 June 2004 / prepared by the Secretariat in consultation with the Chairman
TitleMinutes of the meeting of the Bureau of the Committee on Environmental Policy, Geneva, 4 June 2004 / prepared by the Secretariat in consultation with the Chairman
AccessEnglish: ^E_ECE_^CEP_2004_9-EN - PDF ; Français: ^E_ECE_^CEP_2004_9-FR - PDF ; Русский: ^E_ECE_^CEP_2004_9-RU - PDF ;
1. Opening of the meeting and adoption of the agenda -- 2. Matters arising from the 59th session of the Commission -- 3. Outcome of the Regional Implementation Forum on Sustainable Development -- 4. Draft agenda for the 11th session of the Committee on Environmental Policy -- 5. Implementation of the Committee's programme of work (2003-2005) -- 6. Preparations for the 4th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health -- 7. Activities of the UNECE Regional Adviser -- 8. Financial assistance to countries with economies in transition and countries' contributions to the UNECE Trust Funds -- 9. Next meeting.
AuthorsUN. ECE. Committee on Environmental Policy. Bureau (2004 : Geneva)
UN. ECE. Secretariat
UN. ECE. Committee on Environmental Policy. Chair
UN. ECE. Secretariat
UN. ECE. Committee on Environmental Policy. Chair
Agenda information
[E/]ECE/CEP/123 3 Regional implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development and the contribution of the Committee on Environmental Policy.
DateGeneva : UN, 9 Aug. 2004
6 p.