Responsibility of States for the protection of the environment : prevention of the illegal international traffic in, and the dumping and resulting accumulation of, toxic and dangerous products and wastes affecting the developing countries in particular : draft resolution / submitted by the Vice-Chairman, José Fernandez (Philippines), on the basis of informal consultations held on draft resolution A/C.2/43/L.23.
TitleResponsibility of States for the protection of the environment : prevention of the illegal international traffic in, and the dumping and resulting accumulation of, toxic and dangerous products and wastes affecting the developing countries in particular : draft resolution / submitted by the Vice-Chairman, José Fernandez (Philippines), on the basis of informal consultations held on draft resolution A/C.2/43/L.23.
AccessEnglish: A_C.2_43_L.74-EN - PDF ; Español: A_C.2_43_L.74-ES - PDF ; Français: A_C.2_43_L.74-FR - PDF ;
Date[New York] : UN, 2 Dec. 1988.
2 p.