Summary record of the 47th meeting : 5th Committee, held at Headquarters, New York, on Wednesday, 7 May 2003, General Assembly, 57th session
Полное описание
Условное обозначениеA/C.5/57/SR.47
ЗаглавиеSummary record of the 47th meeting : 5th Committee, held at Headquarters, New York, on Wednesday, 7 May 2003, General Assembly, 57th session
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Примечание о мероприятии2003-05-07
Повестка дня
A/57/251 110 Financial reports and audited financial statements, and reports of the Board of Auditors. UN--FINANCIAL REPORTS
A/57/251 126 Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations. PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS--FINANCING
A/57/251 127a United Nations Disengagement Observer Force. UN DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE--FINANCING
A/57/251 127b United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. UN INTERIM FORCE IN LEBANON--FINANCING
A/57/251 128 Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo. UN INTERIM ADMINISTRATION MISSION IN KOSOVO--FINANCING
A/57/251 129 Financing of the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor and the United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor. UN TRANSITIONAL ADMINISTRATION IN EAST TIMOR--FINANCING
A/57/251 130 Financing of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea. UN MISSION IN ETHIOPIA AND ERITREA--FINANCING
A/57/251 135 Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara. UN MISSION FOR THE REFERENDUM IN WESTERN SAHARA--FINANCING
A/57/251 142 Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus. UN PEACEKEEPING FORCE IN CYPRUS--FINANCING
A/57/251 143 Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia. UN OBSERVER MISSION IN GEORGIA--FINANCING
A/57/251 147 Financing of the United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina. UN MISSION IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA--FINANCING
A/57/251 126 Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations. PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS--FINANCING
A/57/251 127a United Nations Disengagement Observer Force. UN DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE--FINANCING
A/57/251 127b United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. UN INTERIM FORCE IN LEBANON--FINANCING
A/57/251 128 Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo. UN INTERIM ADMINISTRATION MISSION IN KOSOVO--FINANCING
A/57/251 129 Financing of the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor and the United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor. UN TRANSITIONAL ADMINISTRATION IN EAST TIMOR--FINANCING
A/57/251 130 Financing of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea. UN MISSION IN ETHIOPIA AND ERITREA--FINANCING
A/57/251 135 Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara. UN MISSION FOR THE REFERENDUM IN WESTERN SAHARA--FINANCING
A/57/251 142 Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus. UN PEACEKEEPING FORCE IN CYPRUS--FINANCING
A/57/251 143 Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia. UN OBSERVER MISSION IN GEORGIA--FINANCING
A/57/251 147 Financing of the United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina. UN MISSION IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA--FINANCING
Дата[New York] : UN, 17 June 2003
14 p.