Economic and technical cooperation among developing countries : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly
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TitreEconomic and technical cooperation among developing countries : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly
AccèsEnglish: A_RES_58_220-EN - PDF ; Español: A_RES_58_220-ES - PDF ; Français: A_RES_58_220-FR - PDF ; Other: A_RES_58_220-DE - PDF ; Русский: A_RES_58_220-RU - PDF ; العربية: A_RES_58_220-AR - PDF ; 中文: A_RES_58_220-ZH - PDF ;
Recognizes that regional integration initiatives between developing countries constitute an important and valuable form of South-South cooperation and that regional integration is a step towards beneficial integration into the world economy; urges all relevant UN organizations and multilateral institutions to intensify their efforts to effectively mainstream the use of South-South cooperation in the design, formulation and implementation of their regular programmes and to consider increasing allocations of human, technical and financial resources for supporting South-South cooperation initiatives; recognizes the need to mobilize additional resources for enhancing South-South cooperation, reiterates in this context its decision in its resolution 57/263 of 20 Dec. 2002 to include the Voluntary Trust Fund for the Promotion of South-South Cooperation in the UN Pledging Conference for Development Activities; decides to declare 19 Dec., the date on which the General Assembly endorsed the Buenos Aires Plan of Action for Promoting and Implementing Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries, as the UN Day for South-South Cooperation.
Notes sur l'événement2003-12-23
Résumé de vote
Adopted without vote, 78th plenary meeting
Projet de documentA/C.2/58/L.71
Rapport de comitéA/58/487
Compte rendu
Ordre du jour
A/58/251 97b Economic and technical cooperation among developing countries. ECONOMIC COOPERATION AMONG DEVELOPING COUNTRIES
Date[New York] : UN, 19 Feb. 2004
3 p.
Issued in GAOR, 58th sess., Suppl. no. 49.