World that does not offer fair chance to all 'wll be neither prosperous, nor peaceful, says Secretary-General to 29th Pio Manzù Conference : [message, to the 29th Pio Manzù international conference, Rimini, Italy, 19 October 2003] / [on behalf of the Secretary-General by his Special Adviser and Personal Representative for the United Nations Dialogue among Civilizations]
标题World that does not offer fair chance to all 'wll be neither prosperous, nor peaceful, says Secretary-General to 29th Pio Manzù Conference : [message, to the 29th Pio Manzù international conference, Rimini, Italy, 19 October 2003] / [on behalf of the Secretary-General by his Special Adviser and Personal Representative for the United Nations Dialogue among Civilizations]
作者Annan, Kofi, 1938-2018
UN. Secretary-General
UN. Personal Representative of the Secretary-General for the United Nations Year of Dialogue among Civilizations
UN. Secretary-General
UN. Personal Representative of the Secretary-General for the United Nations Year of Dialogue among Civilizations
日期New York : UN Dept. of Public Information, 20 Oct. 2003
[1] p.