Lessons learned from data collection for the Kiev report / [submitted by the European Environment Agency and the UNECE Committee on Environmental Policy through the Ad Hoc Working Group of Senior Officials]
TitleLessons learned from data collection for the Kiev report / [submitted by the European Environment Agency and the UNECE Committee on Environmental Policy through the Ad Hoc Working Group of Senior Officials]
AuthorsUN. ECE. Ad Hoc Preparatory Working Group of Senior Officials "Environment for Europe"
European Environment Agency
UN. ECE. Committee on Environmental Policy
UN. ECE. Secretariat
UN. ECE. Ad Hoc Working Group on Environmental Monitoring
European Environment Agency
UN. ECE. Committee on Environmental Policy
UN. ECE. Secretariat
UN. ECE. Ad Hoc Working Group on Environmental Monitoring
DateGeneva :[...]
9 p. : chart, table
At head of title: Economic Commission for Europe, Committee on Environmental Policy, 5th Ministerial Conference "Environment for Europe", Kiev, Ukraine, 21-23 May 2003.
Prepared by the European Environment Agency in consultation with the ECE Secretariat and approved by the Working Group on Environmental Monitoring.
Prepared by the European Environment Agency in consultation with the ECE Secretariat and approved by the Working Group on Environmental Monitoring.