Note dated 5 December 1951 from the Chairman of the United States Delegation to the 6th regular session of the General Assembly addressed to the Secretary-General transmitting 5 communiques issued by the Headquarters of the United Nations Command in Korea
TitleNote dated 5 December 1951 from the Chairman of the United States Delegation to the 6th regular session of the General Assembly addressed to the Secretary-General transmitting 5 communiques issued by the Headquarters of the United Nations Command in Korea
AccessEnglish: S_2431-EN - PDF ;
Transmits 5 communiques issued by the Headquarters of the UN Command, 28-29 Nov. 1951 concerning situation in Korean battlefront.
Action note1951-12-05
AuthorsUnited States
DateNew York : UN, 7 Dec. 1951
8 p.