Summary record of the 25th meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Monday, 13 September 1999 : Meeting of the States Parties to the International International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 19th meeting
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Условное обозначениеCCPR/SP/SR.25
ЗаглавиеSummary record of the 25th meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Monday, 13 September 1999 : Meeting of the States Parties to the International International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 19th meeting
ДоступEnglish: CCPR_SP_SR-25-EN - PDF ; Español: CCPR_SP_SR-25-ES - PDF ; Français: CCPR_SP_SR-25-FR - PDF ; Русский: CCPR_SP_SR-25-RU - PDF ; العربية: CCPR_SP_SR-25-AR - PDF ;
Дата[New York] : UN, 29 Dec. 2000
5 p.