Strengthening the mandate and status of the Commission on Human Settlements and the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly
TitleStrengthening the mandate and status of the Commission on Human Settlements and the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly
AccessEnglish: A_RES_56_206-EN - PDF ; Español: A_RES_56_206-ES - PDF ; Français: A_RES_56_206-FR - PDF ; Other: A_RES_56_206-DE - PDF ; Русский: A_RES_56_206-RU - PDF ; العربية: A_RES_56_206-AR - PDF ; 中文: A_RES_56_206-ZH - PDF ;
Decides to transform the Commission on Human Settlements and its secretariat, the UN Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat), including the UN Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation, with effect from 1 Jan. 2002, into the UN Human Settlements Programme, to be known as UN-Habitat; decides to transform the Commission on Human Settlements into the Governing Council of the UN Human Settlements Programme, to be known as UN-Habitat; also decides that the Governing Council shall propose its rules of procedure on the basis of the rules of procedure of the Commission on Human Settlements, further decides that the practices regarding the participation of Habitat Agenda partners shall be according to the relevant rules of the Economic and Social Council with regard to participation and accreditation; decides that the Governing Council shall be composed of 58 members, to be elected by the Economic and Social Council for 4-year terms; decides to transform the UN Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat) into the secretariat of the UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat); also decides that the UN-Habitat secretariat shall be headed by an Executive Director at the level of Under-Secretary-General, to be elected by the General Assembly for a term of 4 years; decides that the resources for managing the Programme shall comprise the posts and budgetary resources of the Centre; decides that the Programme should strengthen its collaboration with the Commission on Sustainable Development and other relevant bodies in the implementation of the Habitat Agenda.
Action note2001-12-21
Vote summary
Adopted without vote, 90th plenary meeting
Committee reportA/56/565
Meeting record
Agenda information
A/56/251 102 Implementation of the Habitat Agenda and outcome of the special session of the General Assembly on this topic. HUMAN SETTLEMENTS--CONFERENCES
Date[New York] : UN, 26 Feb. 2002
5 p.