Statement / by the President of the Security Council
TitleStatement / by the President of the Security Council
Other titles
Statement [made on behalf of the Security Council, at the 4419th meeting, 15 Nov. 2001, in connection with the Council's consideration of the item entitled "The situation in Angola"]
AccessEnglish: S_PRST_2001_36-EN - PDF ; Español: S_PRST_2001_36-ES - PDF ; Français: S_PRST_2001_36-FR - PDF ; Other: S_PRST_2001_36-DE - PDF ; Русский: S_PRST_2001_36-RU - PDF ; العربية: S_PRST_2001_36-AR - PDF ; 中文: S_PRST_2001_36-ZH - PDF ;
Remains deeply concerned about the ongoing conflict in Angola; holds Mr. Jonas Savimbi and the armed faction of the Uniã Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola (UNITA) primarily responsible for the failure to implement the Lusaka Protocol; reaffirms that the Lusaka Protocol remains the only viable basis for a political settlement of the conflict in Angola; reiterates its call on Member States to comply fully with the implementation of the sanctions regime against UNITA; supports the Government of Angola in its efforts to implement the Lusaka Protocol including through the Fund for Peace and National Reconciliation; supports the Government's intention to hold free and fair elections when appropriate conditions are in place.
Action note2001-11-15
Meeting record
Agenda information
S/ X The situation in Angola.
S/ X The situation in Angola.
Date[New York] : UN, 15 Nov. 2001
2 p.