Selected issues of importance for the future of the ESCWA region : strengthening expertise and networking in the field of foreign direct investment in ESCWA member countries
TitleSelected issues of importance for the future of the ESCWA region : strengthening expertise and networking in the field of foreign direct investment in ESCWA member countries
Other titles
قضايا مختارة ذات أهمية لمستقبل منطقة الإسكوا : تدعيم الخبرات وشبكات الإرتباط في ميدان الإستثمار الأجنبي المباشر في البلدان الأعضاء في الإسكوا
Agenda information
E/ESCWA/21/L.1 10b Strengthening expertise and networking in the field of foreign direct investment in ESCWA member countries.
Date[New York] : UN, 6 Mar. 2001
2 p.