Country / Organization
Agenda information
A/55/251 9 General debate. UN. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (55TH SESS. : 2000-2001)--GENERAL DEBATE
A/55/251 60b The Millennium Assembly of the United Nations. UN. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (55TH SESS. : 2000-2001)
A/55/251 102 3rd United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries. LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES--CONFERENCES
A/55/251 40 The situation in the Middle East. MIDDLE EAST SITUATION
A/55/251 74 Review and implementation of the concluding document of the 12th special session of the General Assembly. DISARMAMENT--UN. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (12TH SPECIAL SESS. : 1982)
A/55/251 97 Training and research. UNITAR--ACTIVITIES
A/55/251 60b The Millennium Assembly of the United Nations. UN. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (55TH SESS. : 2000-2001)
A/55/251 102 3rd United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries. LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES--CONFERENCES
A/55/251 40 The situation in the Middle East. MIDDLE EAST SITUATION
A/55/251 74 Review and implementation of the concluding document of the 12th special session of the General Assembly. DISARMAMENT--UN. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (12TH SPECIAL SESS. : 1982)
A/55/251 97 Training and research. UNITAR--ACTIVITIES
Meeting recordA/55/PV.15
CollectionsUN Bodies > General Assembly > General Assembly Plenary
Resource Type > Speeches
Resource Type > Speeches