International cooperation against the world drug problem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly
TitleInternational cooperation against the world drug problem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly
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Calls upon all States to take further action to promote effective cooperation at the international and regional levels in the efforts to combat the world drug problem and to ratify or accede to Narcotic Drug Conventions; urges competent authorities at all levels to implement the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Declaration of the Guiding Principles of Drug Demand Reduction; calls upon States in which cultivation and production of illicit drug crops occur to establish or reinforce national mechanisms to monitor and verify illicit crops; calls upon the Commission on Narcotic Drugs to mainstream a gender perspective into all its programmes; reaffirms the role of the Executive Director of the UN International Drug Control Programme in coordinating and providing effective leadership for all UN drug control activities; requests the Programme: a) to strengthen cooperation with Member States, UN bodies and relevant agencies, b) to allocate adequate resources to allow it to fulfil its role, c) to strenghten dialogue and cooperation with international financial institutions, d) to include in its report on illicit traffic in drugs an updated assessment of worldwide trends, e) to publish the World Drug Report; calls upon the International Narcotics Control Board to increase its efforts to implement all its mandates.
Call number
Action note2000-12-04
Vote summary
Adopted without vote, 81st plenary meeting
Committee reportA/55/594
Meeting record
Agenda information
A/55/251 106 International drug control. NARCOTIC DRUGS
Date[New York] : UN, 26 Jan. 2001
9 p.