Information received from Luxembourg on the follow-up to the concluding observations on its 4th periodic report : Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
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TitreInformation received from Luxembourg on the follow-up to the concluding observations on its 4th periodic report : Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
AccèsEnglish: E_C.12_LUX_FCO_4-EN - PDF ; Español: E_C.12_LUX_FCO_4-ES - PDF ; Français: E_C.12_LUX_FCO_4-FR - PDF ;
DateGeneva : UN, 9 Sept. 2024
5 p.
English, French and Spanish only.
CollectionsOrganes de l'ONU > Organes chargés des droits de l’homme > Organes chargés des droits de l’homme basés sur les traités > Comité des droits économiques, sociaux et culturels
Type de ressource > Documents et publications > Observations et recommandations finales
Organes de l'ONU > Conseil économique et social
Type de ressource > Documents et publications > Observations et recommandations finales
Organes de l'ONU > Conseil économique et social