2017 Annual Report : joint UNDP-DPPA programme on building national capacities for conflict prevention / UNDP, DPPA
Title2017 Annual Report : joint UNDP-DPPA programme on building national capacities for conflict prevention / UNDP, DPPA
AccessEnglish: 1387646EN - PDF ;
This Annual Report highlights the impact of the Joint UNDP-DPA Programme on Building National Capacities for Conflict Prevention. In 2017, the Joint Programme provided support to more than 60 countries, including through the deployment of Peace and Development Advisors. Peace and Development Advisors are at the forefront of the Programme's efforts, they support the UN system to effectively adapt and respond to complex political situations and identify areas for preventive action. The Joint Programme is widely recognized for providing thought leadership on conflict prevention, and is considered a unique example of how the political and development pillars of the UN can successfully work together in pursuit of preventing violent conflict and sustaining peace. This report provides an overview of the variety of contexts in which the Programme has engaged in, with notable results achieved strengthening the role of local actors in mediation and dialogue in El Salvador, Nigeria, and Ukraine; supporting local stakeholders to prevent violent extremism in the Philippines, and Tunisia; enabling conflict prevention efforts across borders in the South Caucasus, Bangladesh and Myanmar; as well as establishing and consolidating national infrastructures for peace in Malawi and Lesotho. -- [author website].
DateNew York : UN ; UNDP, 23 May 2018
84 p.