Independent evaluation of the UNAIDS technical support mechanism
TitleIndependent evaluation of the UNAIDS technical support mechanism
AccessEnglish: UNAIDS-TSM-evaluation_en - PDF ;
In 2018, UNAIDS established a UNAIDS Technical Support Mechanism (TSM) and contracted the Oxford Policy Management (OPM) Group to operationalize the model. The evaluation takes stock of the performance of the UNAIDS-OPM mechanism in delivering rapid, high-quality technical support and it identifies operational streamlining opportunities and options to increase the amount of technical support without compromising quality and results. TSM has become UNAIDS’ main channel for planning and provision of technical assistance to support the AIDS response in countries, with emphasis on people left behind and optimal utilization of resources of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria. The evaluation recommendations contribute to improving technical assistance performance, effective utilisation of resources and delivering HIV results in countries.
1. Introduction and background -- 2. Evaluation framework, approach and methods -- 3. Evaluation findings -- 4. Recommendations -- 5. Conclusions -- Annex 1. Documents reviewed -- Annex 2. Analysis of UNAIDS country office and consultant online survey feedback on TSM -- Annex 3. Process step action and responsibility chart -- Annex 4. Front cover example -- Annex 5. All recommendations and opportunities for consideration.
1. Introduction and background -- 2. Evaluation framework, approach and methods -- 3. Evaluation findings -- 4. Recommendations -- 5. Conclusions -- Annex 1. Documents reviewed -- Annex 2. Analysis of UNAIDS country office and consultant online survey feedback on TSM -- Annex 3. Process step action and responsibility chart -- Annex 4. Front cover example -- Annex 5. All recommendations and opportunities for consideration.
DateGeneva : Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), June 2020
86 p. : tables