Country / Organization
Agenda information
E/2163 35 Amendments of the rules of procedure of the Council and the functional commissions : memorandum by the Secretary-General (Council resolution 414 (XIII)). UN. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL--FUNCTIONAL COMMISSIONS--RULES OF PROCEDURE
E/2163 36 Calendar of conferences for 1953. UN. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL--CALENDAR OF MEETINGS (1953)
E/2163 37d Election of members of the Permanent Central Opium Board. UN. PERMANENT CENTRAL OPIUM BOARD--MEMBERS
E/2163 36 Calendar of conferences for 1953. UN. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL--CALENDAR OF MEETINGS (1953)
E/2163 37d Election of members of the Permanent Central Opium Board. UN. PERMANENT CENTRAL OPIUM BOARD--MEMBERS
Meeting recordE/SR.664
CollectionsUN Bodies > Economic and Social Council
Resource Type > Speeches
Resource Type > Speeches