Country / Organization
Agenda information
E/2525 12a Report of the Rapporteur on Freedom of Information. UN. RAPPORTEUR ON FREEDOM OF INFORMATION--REPORTS
E/2525 12b Encouragement and development of independent domestic information enterprises. INFORMATION CENTRES
E/2525 4a Annual report of the Fund. IMF--REPORTS
E/2525 4b Report of the Fund under the Council resolution 483 C (XVI). IMF--REPORTS
E/2525 12c Production and distribution of newsprint and printing paper. NEWSPRINT INDUSTRY
E/2525 12b Encouragement and development of independent domestic information enterprises. INFORMATION CENTRES
E/2525 4a Annual report of the Fund. IMF--REPORTS
E/2525 4b Report of the Fund under the Council resolution 483 C (XVI). IMF--REPORTS
E/2525 12c Production and distribution of newsprint and printing paper. NEWSPRINT INDUSTRY
Meeting recordE/SR.771
CollectionsUN Bodies > Economic and Social Council
Resource Type > Speeches
Resource Type > Speeches