Mapping for a sustainable world / Menno-Jan Kraak, Robert E. Roth, Britta Ricker, Ayako Kagawa and Guillaume Le Sourd
TitleMapping for a sustainable world / Menno-Jan Kraak, Robert E. Roth, Britta Ricker, Ayako Kagawa and Guillaume Le Sourd
AccessEnglish: MappingforaSustainableWorld20210603 - PDF ; Français: CartographierpourUNmondeDurable%20(2) - PDF ;
The book comprises four sections. Section 1 introduces the SDGs and their relation to geospatial data, describing SDG indicators and data transformations for mapping. Section 2 describes foundational design decisions in the cartographic workflow, including projections, scale, generalization, symbolization, typography, and visual hierarchy, among others. Section 3 introduces the common map types (e.g., choropleths, proportional symbols, dasymetric maps, bivariate maps, cartograms) and diagrams (e.g., bar graphs, scatterplots, timelines) for representing the SDG indicators. Finally, Section 4 discusses considerations for map use environments, such as audiences, user interfaces and interaction operators, mobile and web media, storytelling versus exploration, and open access. The book has an editorial team comprising writers from the International Cartographic Association (ICA) and the Geospatial Information Section of the United Nations (UN). The book is published as an open access document according to the CC-BY-NC license. When drawing from or reusing text or figures from this book, attribute/cite as follows Kraak MJ, RE Roth, B Ricker, A Kagawa, and G Le Sourd. 2020. Mapping for a Sustainable World. The United Nations: New York, NY (USA). The institutes of the editors (University of Twente / ITC, University of Wisconsin-Madison), and the UW Cartography Laboratory (design and layout), and the United Nations Geospatial Information Section have made the necessary resources available to realize the opportunities and mitigate risks, in order to ensure that the Secretary-General and the UN system provide relevant, timely and effective support to Member States to turn the tide of financing to invest in sustainable, inclusive development for all.
Front matter -- Acroynms -- Mapping for a sustainable world -- Foreword -- Contributions to the book -- Introduction -- Section 1 -- SDGs & geospatial data -- Section 2 -- Map design considerations Section 3 -- Maps & diagrams -- Section 4 -- Map use environments -- Back matter.
Front matter -- Acroynms -- Mapping for a sustainable world -- Foreword -- Contributions to the book -- Introduction -- Section 1 -- SDGs & geospatial data -- Section 2 -- Map design considerations Section 3 -- Maps & diagrams -- Section 4 -- Map use environments -- Back matter.
DateNew York : UN, 2020
vii, 143 p. : ill.
Copublished by the United Nations and the International Cartographic Association.
CollectionsResource Type > Documents and Publications > Publications
UN Bodies > Secretariat
UN Bodies > Secretariat