Youth, its education in the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, its problems and needs, and its participation in national development : Afghanistan, Algeria, Central African Republic, Ceylon, Chile, Cyprus, Ethiopia, Guinea, Guyana, India, Kenya, Kuwait, Libya, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, People's Republic of the Congo, Somalia, Togo, Uganda, United Arab Republic, Upper Volta, Yugoslavia and Zambia : revised draft resolution
TitleYouth, its education in the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, its problems and needs, and its participation in national development : Afghanistan, Algeria, Central African Republic, Ceylon, Chile, Cyprus, Ethiopia, Guinea, Guyana, India, Kenya, Kuwait, Libya, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, People's Republic of the Congo, Somalia, Togo, Uganda, United Arab Republic, Upper Volta, Yugoslavia and Zambia : revised draft resolution
Date[New York] : UN, 9 Oct. 1970
4 p.