Country / Organization
Agenda information
E/3434 15 Question of meetings of the Council at the ministerial level. UN. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL (31ST SESS. : 1961 : NEW YORK)--WORK ORGANIZATION
E/3434 19 Consideration of the provisional agenda for the 32nd session and establishment of dates for opening debate on items. UN. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL (32ND SESS. : 1961 : NEW YORK AND GENEVA)--AGENDA
E/3434 19 Consideration of the provisional agenda for the 32nd session and establishment of dates for opening debate on items. UN. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL (32ND SESS. : 1961 : NEW YORK AND GENEVA)--AGENDA
Meeting recordE/SR.1149
CollectionsUN Bodies > Economic and Social Council
Resource Type > Speeches
Resource Type > Speeches