Provisional verbatim record of the 110th meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Wednesday, 11 May 1988 : General Assembly, 42nd session.
标题Provisional verbatim record of the 110th meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Wednesday, 11 May 1988 : General Assembly, 42nd session.
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A/42/251 86 Special programmes of economic assistance. ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE
A/42/251 34 Situation in Central America : threats to international peace and security and peace initiatives. CENTRAL AMERICA SITUATION
A/42/251 8 Adoption of the agenda and organization of work. UN. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (42ND SESS. : 1987-1988)--AGENDA
A/42/251 [322] UN. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (42ND SESS. : 1987-1988)--RESUMPTION
A/42/251 34 Situation in Central America : threats to international peace and security and peace initiatives. CENTRAL AMERICA SITUATION
A/42/251 8 Adoption of the agenda and organization of work. UN. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (42ND SESS. : 1987-1988)--AGENDA
A/42/251 [322] UN. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (42ND SESS. : 1987-1988)--RESUMPTION
日期[New York] : UN, 11 May 1988.
[36] p.