Integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to major United Nations conferences and summits
TitleIntegrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to major United Nations conferences and summits
Calls upon Governments, at the national and international levels, to renew their efforts to implement the commitments they have undertaken and make more tangible progress towards the targets, goals and objectives set by the UN conferences and summits; recommends that the end-of-decade assessment of progress towards the goals of the World Conference on Education for All be taken into account in the 5-year reviews of other conferences; decides to review the follow-up by the functional commissions of the decisions and recommendations of the Council addressed to them and invites the commissions to discuss follow-up to the Council's outcomes under a specific agenda item at their sessions; requests the Secretariat, in particular the Statistics Divisions, to serve as a focal point to promote networking among national and international institutions in the area of statistics and indicators relating to the follow-up to UN conferences and summits so as to facilitate the exchange of relevant information and metadata; requests the Secretary-General to prepare a progress report on the implementation of this section of the resolution for consideration by the Council at its substantive session of 2000; decides to assess, at the coordination segment of its substantive session of 2000, the progress made within the UN system, through the conference reviews, in the promotion of an integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to major UN conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields as a possible contribution to the Millennium Assembly.
Action note1999-07-30
Vote summary
Adopted without vote, 46th plenary meeting
Related resourceE/1999/99
Agenda information
E/1999/100 6 Integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to major United Nations conferences and summits. UN CONFERENCES
In: Resolutions and decisions of the Economic and Social Council, organizational session for 1999, New York, 20 Jan. and 2-5 Feb. 1999; resumed organizational session for 1999, New York, 25 March, 6 and 7 May and 23 June 1999; substantive session of 1999, Geneva, 5-30 July 1999; resumed substantive session of 1999, New York, 16 Sept., 26 Oct., 15 Nov. and 16 Dec. 1999 - E/1999/99 - p. 85-87 - (ESCOR, 1999, Suppl. no. 1).