Report of the Informal Group of the GRSG about the meetings dealing with the development of Regulation no. 66, Strength of superstructure / transmitted by the expert from Hungary.
TitleReport of the Informal Group of the GRSG about the meetings dealing with the development of Regulation no. 66, Strength of superstructure / transmitted by the expert from Hungary.
AccessEnglish: ^E_ECE_^TRANS_WP.29_GRSG_1998_15_Add.1--TRANS_WP.29_GRSG_1998_15_Add.1-EN - PDF ; Français: ^E_ECE_^TRANS_WP.29_GRSG_1998_15_Add.1--TRANS_WP.29_GRSG_1998_15_Add.1-FR - PDF ;
UN. ECE. Working Party on the Construction of Vehicles. Working Party on General Safety Provisions. Informal Group on the Development of Regulation No. 66
UN. ECE. Working Party on the Construction of Vehicles. Working Party on General Safety Provisions. Informal Group on the Development of Regulation No. 66
DateGeneva : [UN], 4 Feb. 1999.
5 p. : ill.