Workshop on Critical Limits and Effect-based Approaches for Heavy Metals and Persistent Organic Pollutants : summary report / prepared by the Chairman of the Task Force on Mapping with the assistance of the Secretariat.
TitleWorkshop on Critical Limits and Effect-based Approaches for Heavy Metals and Persistent Organic Pollutants : summary report / prepared by the Chairman of the Task Force on Mapping with the assistance of the Secretariat.
AuthorsUN. ECE. Executive Body for the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Task Force on Mapping. Chair
UN. ECE. Secretariat
UN. ECE. Secretariat
Agenda information
[E/ECE/]EB.AIR/WG.1/1998/1 7b Heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants : summary report on the 1997 workshop.
DateGeneva : UN, 15 May 1998.
10 p.