Provisional summary record of the 52nd meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Friday, 26 July 1996 : Economic and Social Council, substantive session of 1996.
TitleProvisional summary record of the 52nd meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Friday, 26 July 1996 : Economic and Social Council, substantive session of 1996.
Action note1996-07-26
Agenda information
E/1996/100 2 International cooperation against the illicit production, sale, demand, traffic and distribution of narcotics and psychotropic substances and related activities. NARCOTIC DRUGS--INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION
E/1996/100 3b Implementation of the agreed conclusions on the theme of the 1995 coordination segment of the Council. CONFERENCES--COORDINATION WITHIN UN SYSTEM
E/1996/100 4a Follow-up to policy recommendations of the General Assembly. POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS
E/1996/100 4b Coordination of activities on a system-wide basis : strengthening collaboration between the United Nations development system and the Bretton Woods institutions in the areas of social and economic development at all levels, including the field level. OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES--UN SYSTEM
E/1996/100 6a Sustainable development. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
E/1996/100 6h International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction. DISASTER PREVENTION--INTERNATIONAL DECADES (1990-1999)
E/1996/100 6i Follow-up to General Assembly resolution 50/106 : business and development. BUSINESS--DEVELOPMENT
E/1996/100 7 Regional cooperation in the economic, social and related fields. REGIONAL COOPERATION
E/1996/100 10 Non-governmental organizations. NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS
E/1996/100 12 New and innovative ideas for generating funds. FUNDRAISING
E/1996/100 1 Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters. UN. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL (1996, SUBSTANTIVE SESS. : NEW YORK)--AGENDA
E/1996/100 9c Joint and Co-sponsored United Nations Programme on Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. JOINT AND CO-SPONSORED UNITED NATIONS PROGRAMME ON HIV/AIDS
E/1996/100 3b Implementation of the agreed conclusions on the theme of the 1995 coordination segment of the Council. CONFERENCES--COORDINATION WITHIN UN SYSTEM
E/1996/100 4a Follow-up to policy recommendations of the General Assembly. POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS
E/1996/100 4b Coordination of activities on a system-wide basis : strengthening collaboration between the United Nations development system and the Bretton Woods institutions in the areas of social and economic development at all levels, including the field level. OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES--UN SYSTEM
E/1996/100 6a Sustainable development. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
E/1996/100 6h International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction. DISASTER PREVENTION--INTERNATIONAL DECADES (1990-1999)
E/1996/100 6i Follow-up to General Assembly resolution 50/106 : business and development. BUSINESS--DEVELOPMENT
E/1996/100 7 Regional cooperation in the economic, social and related fields. REGIONAL COOPERATION
E/1996/100 10 Non-governmental organizations. NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS
E/1996/100 12 New and innovative ideas for generating funds. FUNDRAISING
E/1996/100 1 Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters. UN. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL (1996, SUBSTANTIVE SESS. : NEW YORK)--AGENDA
E/1996/100 9c Joint and Co-sponsored United Nations Programme on Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. JOINT AND CO-SPONSORED UNITED NATIONS PROGRAMME ON HIV/AIDS
Date[New York] : UN, 11 Feb. 1998.
15 p.