Forest resource assessment : proposals of the Team of Specialists : note / by the Secretariat.
TitleForest resource assessment : proposals of the Team of Specialists : note / by the Secretariat.
AuthorsUN. ECE. Secretariat
FAO/ECE Team of Specialists on the Temperate and Boreal Forest Resource Assessment 2000 (1st : 1995 : Geneva)
FAO/ECE Team of Specialists on the Temperate and Boreal Forest Resource Assessment 2000 (1st : 1995 : Geneva)
DateGeneva : [UN], 7 Apr. 1995.
24 p. : chart, tables
Transmits report of the 1st meeting of the Team of Specialists on the Temperate and Boreal Forest Resource Assessment 2000 held in Geneva, 20-22 Mar. 1995.
Annexes (p. 10-24): 1. Terms of reference of the Team of Specialists - 2. Plan of action for the preparation of TBFRA-2000.
Annexes (p. 10-24): 1. Terms of reference of the Team of Specialists - 2. Plan of action for the preparation of TBFRA-2000.