Organization to house the Global Mechanism and agreement on its modalities : draft decision / proposed by the Chairman of the Committee of the Whole.
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Условное обозначениеICCD/COP(1)/L.15
ЗаглавиеOrganization to house the Global Mechanism and agreement on its modalities : draft decision / proposed by the Chairman of the Committee of the Whole.
ДоступEnglish: ICCD_COP(1)_L.15-EN - PDF ; Español: ICCD_COP(1)_L.15-ES - PDF ; Français: ICCD_COP(1)_L.15-FR - PDF ; Русский: ICCD_COP(1)_L.15-RU - PDF ; العربية: ICCD_COP(1)_L.15-AR - PDF ; 中文: ICCD_COP(1)_L.15-ZH - PDF ;
ДатаGeneva : UN, 8 Oct. 1997.
4 p.