Improved procedures in the use of TIR carnets by transport operators : note / by the Secretariat
TitleImproved procedures in the use of TIR carnets by transport operators : note / by the Secretariat
AuthorsUN. ECE. Secretariat
Agenda information
[E/ECE/]TRANS/WP.30/175 4 Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention, 1975).
[E/ECE/]TRANS/WP.30/175 4c Application of the Convention.
[E/ECE/]TRANS/WP.30/175 4cvi Improved procedures in the use of TIR Carnets by transport operators.
[E/ECE/]TRANS/WP.30/175 4c Application of the Convention.
[E/ECE/]TRANS/WP.30/175 4cvi Improved procedures in the use of TIR Carnets by transport operators.
DateGeneva : UN, 15 Apr. 1997.
2 p.