7 July 1995, Prosecutor's response to the defence's motions filed on 23 June 1995, Jurisdiction of the Tribunal, Principle of non-bis-in-idem, Form of the indictment : Dusko Tadic, case no. IT-94-1-T.
تفصيلات التسجيلة (السجل)
رمز / رقم الاستدعاء***
العنوان7 July 1995, Prosecutor's response to the defence's motions filed on 23 June 1995, Jurisdiction of the Tribunal, Principle of non-bis-in-idem, Form of the indictment : Dusko Tadic, case no. IT-94-1-T.
يحتوي على
Dusko Tadic, case no. IT-94-1-T, 7 July 1995, Prosecutor's response to the defence's motions filed on 23 June 1995, Jurisdiction of the Tribunal, Principle of non-bis-in-idem, Form of the indictment.
تاريخThe Hague : UN International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, 7 July 1995.
1 v. (various pagings)
المجموعاتنوع المصدر > الوثائق والمطبوعات > القضايا والآراء القانونية