European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) : competent authorities for the purpose of the application of ADR including for the application of marginals 2010 (Annex A) and 10 602 (Annex B) and 220 900 (Annex B) and competent authorities for the carriage of dangerous goods by road in countries which are not Contracting Parties to ADR.
TitleEuropean Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) : competent authorities for the purpose of the application of ADR including for the application of marginals 2010 (Annex A) and 10 602 (Annex B) and 220 900 (Annex B) and competent authorities for the carriage of dangerous goods by road in countries which are not Contracting Parties to ADR.
DateGeneva : UN, 28 Aug. 1996.
2 p.