Measures for prevention of the smuggling of aliens : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly.
TitleMeasures for prevention of the smuggling of aliens : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly.
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Condemns the practice of smuggling aliens in violation of international and national law or other agreements between States and without regard for the safety, well-being and human rights of the migrants; urges States to take appropriate steps to frustrate the objectives and activities of smugglers of aliens and thus to protect would-be migrants from exploitation and loss of life, inter alia, by amending criminal laws, if necessary, to encompass the smuggling of aliens and by establishing or improving procedures to permit the ready discovery of false travel documents supplied by smugglers; requests States to cooperate in order to prevent the illegal transport by smugglers of third-country nationals through their territory; also requests States to cooperate bilaterally and on a multilateral basis to prevent the use of fraudulent documents, to continue to improve the requirements for registration of vessels and to implement relevant international agreements; calls upon States to enhance bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the fight against criminal organizations responsible for the smuggling of aliens; calls upon Member States and the relevant specialized agencies and international organizations to take into account socio-economic factors and to cooperate at the bilateral and multilateral levels in addressing all aspects of the problem of smuggling of aliens.
Action note1996-12-12
Vote summary
Adopted without vote, 82nd meeting
Meeting record
Agenda information
A/51/251 101 Crime prevention and criminal justice. CRIME PREVENTION
Date[New York] : UN, 28 Jan. 1997.
3 p.
Adopted at the 82nd plenary meeting, 12 Dec. 1996.