General Assembly official records, 51st session : 8th plenary meeting, Wednesday, 25 September 1996, New York.
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Условное обозначениеA/51/PV.8
ЗаглавиеGeneral Assembly official records, 51st session : 8th plenary meeting, Wednesday, 25 September 1996, New York.
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Примечание о мероприятии1996-09-25
Повестка дня
A/51/251 9 General debate. UN. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (51ST SESS. : 1996-1997)--GENERAL DEBATE
A/51/251 127 Financing of the United Nations United Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador. UN OBSERVER MISSION IN EL SALVADOR--FINANCING
A/51/251 40 Situation in Central America : procedures for the establishment of a firm and lasting peace and progress in fashioning a region of peace, freedom, democracy and development. CENTRAL AMERICA SITUATION
A/51/251 41 Support by the United Nations System of the efforts of Governments to promote and consolidate new or restored democracies. DEMOCRATIZATION--UN SUPPORT
A/51/251 96f Eradication of poverty. POVERTY
A/51/251 96b[1] AGENDA FOR DEVELOPMENT (1990-1999)
A/51/251 44 Implementation of the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s. AFRICA--DEVELOPMENT--AGENDA (1990-1999)
A/51/251 33 Situation in the Middle East. MIDDLE EAST SITUATION
A/51/251 97 Environment and sustainable development. ENVIRONMENT--SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
A/51/251 97e Protection of global climate for present and future generations of mankind. CLIMATE
A/51/251 106 Promotion and protection of the rights of children. RIGHTS OF THE CHILD
A/51/251 66 Implementation of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. NUCLEAR WEAPON TESTS--TREATIES
A/51/251 71j Non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and of vehicles for their delivery in all its aspects. WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION
A/51/251 34 Assistance in mine clearance. MINE CLEARANCE
A/51/251 47 Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and related matters. UN. SECURITY COUNCIL--MEMBERSHIP
A/51/251 46 Restructuring and revitalization of the United Nations in the economic, social and related fields. UN--ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE
A/51/251 119 Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations. UN--BUDGET CONTRIBUTIONS
A/51/251 15a Election of 5 non-permanent members of the Security Council. UN. SECURITY COUNCIL--MEMBERS
A/51/251 86 Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects. PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS
A/51/251 94b Financing of development, including net transfer of resources between developing and developed countries. DEVELOPMENT FINANCE
A/51/251 73e Confidence-building measures. CONFIDENCE-BUILDING MEASURES--DISARMAMENT
A/51/251 159 Elimination of coercive economic measures as a means of political and economic compulsion. ECONOMIC SANCTIONS--INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS
A/51/251 71i Nuclear disarmament. NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT
A/51/251 16 Appointment of the Secretary-General of the United Nations. UN. SECRETARY-GENERAL
A/51/251 151 Measures to eliminate international terrorism. TERRORISM
A/51/251 101 Crime prevention and criminal justice. CRIME PREVENTION
A/51/251 102 International drug control. NARCOTIC DRUGS
A/51/251 56 Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA SITUATION
A/51/251 105 Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, questions relating to refugees, returnees and displaced persons and humanitarian questions. UN HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES--REPORTS
A/51/251 35 Question of Palestine. PALESTINE QUESTION
A/51/251 147 Establishment of an international criminal court. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURTS
A/51/251 148 Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its 29th session. UN COMMISSION ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE LAW--REPORTS
A/51/251 79 African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty. AFRICA--NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONES
A/51/251 94c Trade and development. INTERNATIONAL TRADE
A/51/251 127 Financing of the United Nations United Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador. UN OBSERVER MISSION IN EL SALVADOR--FINANCING
A/51/251 40 Situation in Central America : procedures for the establishment of a firm and lasting peace and progress in fashioning a region of peace, freedom, democracy and development. CENTRAL AMERICA SITUATION
A/51/251 41 Support by the United Nations System of the efforts of Governments to promote and consolidate new or restored democracies. DEMOCRATIZATION--UN SUPPORT
A/51/251 96f Eradication of poverty. POVERTY
A/51/251 96b[1] AGENDA FOR DEVELOPMENT (1990-1999)
A/51/251 44 Implementation of the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s. AFRICA--DEVELOPMENT--AGENDA (1990-1999)
A/51/251 33 Situation in the Middle East. MIDDLE EAST SITUATION
A/51/251 97 Environment and sustainable development. ENVIRONMENT--SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
A/51/251 97e Protection of global climate for present and future generations of mankind. CLIMATE
A/51/251 106 Promotion and protection of the rights of children. RIGHTS OF THE CHILD
A/51/251 66 Implementation of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. NUCLEAR WEAPON TESTS--TREATIES
A/51/251 71j Non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and of vehicles for their delivery in all its aspects. WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION
A/51/251 34 Assistance in mine clearance. MINE CLEARANCE
A/51/251 47 Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and related matters. UN. SECURITY COUNCIL--MEMBERSHIP
A/51/251 46 Restructuring and revitalization of the United Nations in the economic, social and related fields. UN--ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE
A/51/251 119 Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations. UN--BUDGET CONTRIBUTIONS
A/51/251 15a Election of 5 non-permanent members of the Security Council. UN. SECURITY COUNCIL--MEMBERS
A/51/251 86 Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects. PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS
A/51/251 94b Financing of development, including net transfer of resources between developing and developed countries. DEVELOPMENT FINANCE
A/51/251 73e Confidence-building measures. CONFIDENCE-BUILDING MEASURES--DISARMAMENT
A/51/251 159 Elimination of coercive economic measures as a means of political and economic compulsion. ECONOMIC SANCTIONS--INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS
A/51/251 71i Nuclear disarmament. NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT
A/51/251 16 Appointment of the Secretary-General of the United Nations. UN. SECRETARY-GENERAL
A/51/251 151 Measures to eliminate international terrorism. TERRORISM
A/51/251 101 Crime prevention and criminal justice. CRIME PREVENTION
A/51/251 102 International drug control. NARCOTIC DRUGS
A/51/251 56 Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA SITUATION
A/51/251 105 Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, questions relating to refugees, returnees and displaced persons and humanitarian questions. UN HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES--REPORTS
A/51/251 35 Question of Palestine. PALESTINE QUESTION
A/51/251 147 Establishment of an international criminal court. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURTS
A/51/251 148 Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its 29th session. UN COMMISSION ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE LAW--REPORTS
A/51/251 79 African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty. AFRICA--NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONES
A/51/251 94c Trade and development. INTERNATIONAL TRADE
Дата[New York] : UN, 1996.
27 p.