Полное описание
Условное обозначениеA/51/553
ЗаглавиеReport of the Secretary-General.
Другие заглавия
Review and implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly :#United Nations disarmament fellowship, training and advisory services : report of the Secretary-General
ДоступEnglish: A_51_553-EN - PDF ; Español: A_51_553-ES - PDF ; Français: A_51_553-FR - PDF ; Русский: A_51_553-RU - PDF ; العربية: A_51_553-AR - PDF ; 中文: A_51_553-ZH - PDF ;
АвторыUN. Secretary-General
Повестка дня
A/51/251 72 Review and implementation of the concluding document of the 12th special session of the General Assembly. DISARMAMENT--UN. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (12TH SPECIAL SESS. : 1982)--RECOMMENDATIONS
A/51/251 72b United Nations disarmament fellowship, training and advisory services. DISARMAMENT--TRAINING PROGRAMMES
A/51/251 72b United Nations disarmament fellowship, training and advisory services. DISARMAMENT--TRAINING PROGRAMMES
Дата[New York] : UN, 25 Oct. 1996.
5 p.