Measures to enhance subregional, regional and global cooperation in drug control in Western and Central Asia.
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TítuloMeasures to enhance subregional, regional and global cooperation in drug control in Western and Central Asia.
Adopted at the 1139th meeting, 24 Apr. 1996.
In: Commission on Narcotic Drugs : report on the 39th session, 16-25 April 1996. - E/1996/27-E/CN.7/1996/19. - 1996. - p. 78-79. - (ESCOR, 1996, Suppl. no. 7).
In: Commission on Narcotic Drugs : report on the 39th session, 16-25 April 1996. - E/1996/27-E/CN.7/1996/19. - 1996. - p. 78-79. - (ESCOR, 1996, Suppl. no. 7).