TitleNote / by the Secretary-General.
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AuthorsUN. Secretary-General
Agenda information
A/50/251 95 Sustainable development and international economic cooperation. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT--ECONOMIC COOPERATION
A/50/251 95c United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II). HUMAN SETTLEMENTS--CONFERENCES (1996 : ISTANBUL)
A/50/251 8 Adoption of the agenda and organization of work. UN. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (50TH SESS. : 1995-1996)--AGENDA
A/50/251 95c United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II). HUMAN SETTLEMENTS--CONFERENCES (1996 : ISTANBUL)
A/50/251 8 Adoption of the agenda and organization of work. UN. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (50TH SESS. : 1995-1996)--AGENDA
Date[New York] : UN, 27 Mar. 1996.
[1] p.
Concerns accreditation to the UN Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) of the non-governmental organizations that had not been recommended for accreditation by the Conference Secretariat.