Secretary-General sends message of support to Conference on Electoral Assistance Coordination : [message, 5 Oct. 1992, to the joint United Nations-Canadian Conference on Coordination of Electoral Assistance] / [delivered on his behalf by Horacio Boneo, Director of the Electoral Assistance Unit, at the opening session of the Conference in Ottawa, Canada].
TitleSecretary-General sends message of support to Conference on Electoral Assistance Coordination : [message, 5 Oct. 1992, to the joint United Nations-Canadian Conference on Coordination of Electoral Assistance] / [delivered on his behalf by Horacio Boneo, Director of the Electoral Assistance Unit, at the opening session of the Conference in Ottawa, Canada].
DateNew York : UN Department of Public Information, 6 Oct. 1992.
2 p.
CollectionsResource Type > Documents and Publications > Press releases
UN Bodies > Secretariat
UN Bodies > Secretariat