Non-political functions and activities of the League of Nations, other than those belonging to the League under international agreements = Fonctions et activitiés non politiques de la Société des Nations, autres que celles exercées par la Société des Nations en vertu d'accords internationaux.
TitleNon-political functions and activities of the League of Nations, other than those belonging to the League under international agreements = Fonctions et activitiés non politiques de la Société des Nations, autres que celles exercées par la Société des Nations en vertu d'accords internationaux.
Other titles
Fonctions et activitiés non politiques de la Société des Nations, autres que celles exercées par la Société des Nations en vertu d'accords internationaux
AccessEnglish: E_RES_23(III)-EN - PDF ; Español: E_RES_23(III)-ES - PDF ; Français: E_RES_23(III)-FR - PDF ; Русский: E_RES_23(III)-RU - PDF ; 中文: E_RES_23(III)-ZH - PDF ;
Related resourceE/177/Rev.1
Adopted 2 Oct. 1946.
"Appendix: Extracts from Commission reports and Council Resolutions concerning the assumption by the United Nations of non-political functions of the League of Nations other than those belonging to it under international agreements".
In: E/245/Rev.1 (Economic and Social Council, 3rd sess.). - 3 May 1947. - p. 50-69.
"Appendix: Extracts from Commission reports and Council Resolutions concerning the assumption by the United Nations of non-political functions of the League of Nations other than those belonging to it under international agreements".
In: E/245/Rev.1 (Economic and Social Council, 3rd sess.). - 3 May 1947. - p. 50-69.