Review of the efficiency of the administrative and financial functioning of the United Nations : resolutions / adopted by the General Assembly.
TitleReview of the efficiency of the administrative and financial functioning of the United Nations : resolutions / adopted by the General Assembly.
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Endorses the relevant conclusions and recommendations of the Committee for Programme and Coordination in the field of coordination; endorses also the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report on the joint meetings of the Administrative Committee on Coordination and the Committee for Programme and Coordination; requests the Secretary-General to include in the annual overview report of the Administrative Committee on Coordination a section on the measures taken or envisaged to implement the conclusions and recommendations of the Committee for Programme and Coordination and of the joint meetings of the 2 Committees ; reiterates its request to the Secretary-General to make available to the General Assembly, at its 46th session, the annual overview report of the Administrative Committee on Coordination, together with the relevant conclusions and recommendations of the Committee for Programme and Coordination and of the Economic and Social Council on that report.
Action note1990-12-21
Vote summary
Adopted without vote, 72nd meeting
Meeting record
Agenda information
A/45/251 117 Review of the efficiency of the administrative and financial functioning of the United Nations. UN--ADMINISTRATION
Adopted at the 72nd plenary meeting, 21 Dec. 1990.
In: Resolutions and decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its 45th session, Volume 1, 18 September-21 December 1990. - A/45/49. - 1991. - p. 355-356. - (GAOR, 45th sess., Suppl. no. 49).
In: Resolutions and decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its 45th session, Volume 1, 18 September-21 December 1990. - A/45/49. - 1991. - p. 355-356. - (GAOR, 45th sess., Suppl. no. 49).