General and complete disarmament : resolutions / adopted by the General Assembly.
TitleGeneral and complete disarmament : resolutions / adopted by the General Assembly.
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Urges the countries with the largest military arsenals and the member States of the 2 major military alliances to conduct negotiations on conventional disarmament in earnest through appropriate forums, with a view to reaching early agreement on the limitation and gradual and balanced reduction of armed forces and conventional weapons under effective international control in their respective regions, particularly in Europe, which has the largest concentration of arms and forces in the world; encourages all States to intensify their efforts and take, either on their own or in a regional context, appropriate steps to promote progress in conventional disarmament and enhance peace and security.
Action note1988-12-07
Vote summary
Adopted without vote, 73rd meeting
Meeting record
Agenda information
A/43/251 64d Conventional disarmament. CONVENTIONAL DISARMAMENT
Adopted at the 73rd plenary meeting, 7 Dec. 1988.
In: Resolutions and decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its 43rd session, Volume 1, 20 September-22 December 1988. - A/43/49. - 1989. - p. 78-87. - (GAOR, 43rd sess., Suppl. no. 49).
In: Resolutions and decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its 43rd session, Volume 1, 20 September-22 December 1988. - A/43/49. - 1989. - p. 78-87. - (GAOR, 43rd sess., Suppl. no. 49).