Policies of apartheid of the Government of South Africa : resolutions / adopted by the General Assembly.
TitlePolicies of apartheid of the Government of South Africa : resolutions / adopted by the General Assembly.
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Reaffirms that apartheid is a crime against humanity and a threat to international peace and security, and that it is a primary responsibility of the UN to assist in efforts to eliminate apartheid without further delay; encourages all States to accede to the International Convention against Apartheid in Sports, and calls upon all States to support the work of the Commission against Apartheid in Sports; calls upon those States which have increased their trade with South Africa and, particularly, Japan to sever trade relations with South Africa; decides that the imposition of comprehensive and mandatory sanctions by the Security Council under Chapter VII of the Charter of the UN would be the most appropriate, effective and peaceful means to bring apartheid to an end; appeals to the Governments of the United Kingdom and the United States to co-operate in the imposition of comprehensive, mandatory sanctions by the international community against racist South Africa as a means for achieving peaceful change in that country.
Action note1988-12-05
Vote summary
Adopted 123-12-19, 68th meeting
Meeting record
Adopted at the 68th plenary meeting, 5 Dec. 1988.
In: Resolutions and decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its 43rd session, Volume 1, 20 September-22 December 1988. - A/43/49. - 1989. - p. 49-55. - (GAOR, 43rd sess., Suppl. no. 49).
In: Resolutions and decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its 43rd session, Volume 1, 20 September-22 December 1988. - A/43/49. - 1989. - p. 49-55. - (GAOR, 43rd sess., Suppl. no. 49).