General and complete disarmament : resolutions / adopted by the General Assembly.
TitleGeneral and complete disarmament : resolutions / adopted by the General Assembly.
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Urges all States parties to arms limitation and disarmament agreements to implement and comply with the entirety of the provisions of such agreements; calls upon all Member States to give serious consideration to the implications of non-compliance with those obligations for international security and stability, as well as for the prospects for further progress in the field of disarmament; further calls upon all Member States to support efforts aimed at the resolution of non-compliance questions, with a view to encouraging strict observance by all parties of the provisions of arms limitation and disarmament agreements and maintaining or restoring the integrity of such agreements; requests the Secretary-General to provide Member States with assistance that may be necessary in this regard.
Action note1987-11-30
Vote summary
Adopted without vote, 84th meeting
Meeting record
Adopted at the 84th plenary meeting, 30 Nov. 1987.
In: Resolutions and decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its 42nd session, Volume I, 15 September-21 December 1987. - A/42/49. - 1988. - p. 73-80. - (GAOR, 42nd sess., Suppl. no. 49).
In: Resolutions and decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its 42nd session, Volume I, 15 September-21 December 1987. - A/42/49. - 1988. - p. 73-80. - (GAOR, 42nd sess., Suppl. no. 49).