Report on the mission to South Africa from 24 November to 2 December 1993 / by the Special Rapporteur, Judith Sefi Attah.
TitleReport on the mission to South Africa from 24 November to 2 December 1993 / by the Special Rapporteur, Judith Sefi Attah.
AccessEnglish: E_CN.4_Sub.2_1993_11_Add.1-EN - PDF ; Español: E_CN.4_Sub.2_1993_11_Add.1-ES - PDF ; Français: E_CN.4_Sub.2_1993_11_Add.1-FR - PDF ; Русский: E_CN.4_Sub.2_1993_11_Add.1-RU - PDF ; العربية: E_CN.4_Sub.2_1993_11_Add.1-AR - PDF ; 中文: E_CN.4_Sub.2_1993_11_Add.1-ZH - PDF ;
AuthorsAttah, Judith Sefi
UN. Special Rapporteur on the Progress towards Democracy, Equality and Social Justice in South Africa
UN. Special Rapporteur on the Progress towards Democracy, Equality and Social Justice in South Africa
Agenda information
E/CN.4/Sub.2/1993/1 5 Elimination of racial discrimination.
E/CN.4/Sub.2/1993/1 5b Monitoring the transition to democracy in South Africa.
E/CN.4/Sub.2/1993/1 5b Monitoring the transition to democracy in South Africa.
DateGeneva : UN, 18 Jan. 1994.
16 p.