Provisional summary record of the 20th meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Tuesday, 5 July 1994 : Economic and Social Council, substantive session of 1994.
TitleProvisional summary record of the 20th meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Tuesday, 5 July 1994 : Economic and Social Council, substantive session of 1994.
AccessEnglish: E_1994_SR.20-EN - PDF ; Español: E_1994_SR.20-ES - PDF ; Français: E_1994_SR.20-FR - PDF ;
Action note1994-07-05
Agenda information
E/1994/100 4 Operational activities of the United Nations for international development cooperation. OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES--DEVELOPMENT
E/1994/100 4a United Nations Development Programme/United Nations Population Fund. UNDP
E/1994/100 4b United Nations Children's Fund. UNICEF
E/1994/100 4c World Food Programme. WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME
E/1994/100 4[1] UNOPS
E/1994/100 4[2] UNFPA--ANNIVERSARIES (25TH)
E/1994/100 1 Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters. UN. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL (1994, SUBSTANTIVE SESS. : NEW YORK)--AGENDA
E/1994/100 4a United Nations Development Programme/United Nations Population Fund. UNDP
E/1994/100 4b United Nations Children's Fund. UNICEF
E/1994/100 4c World Food Programme. WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME
E/1994/100 4[1] UNOPS
E/1994/100 4[2] UNFPA--ANNIVERSARIES (25TH)
E/1994/100 1 Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters. UN. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL (1994, SUBSTANTIVE SESS. : NEW YORK)--AGENDA
Date[New York] :[...]
16 p.