Regional Coordination Centre for Research and Development of Coarse Grains, Pulses, Roots and Tuber Crops in the Humid Tropics of Asia and the Pacific : note / by the Secretariat.
TitleRegional Coordination Centre for Research and Development of Coarse Grains, Pulses, Roots and Tuber Crops in the Humid Tropics of Asia and the Pacific : note / by the Secretariat.
AuthorsUN. ESCAP. Secretariat
UN. ESCAP. Regional Coordination Centre for Research and Development of Coarse Grains, Pulses, Roots and Tuber Crops in the Humid Tropics of Asia and the Pacific. Governing Board (1st sess. : 1983 : Bogor, Indonesia)
UN. ESCAP. Regional Coordination Centre for Research and Development of Coarse Grains, Pulses, Roots and Tuber Crops in the Humid Tropics of Asia and the Pacific. Governing Board (1st sess. : 1983 : Bogor, Indonesia)
Agenda information
E/ESCAP/L.84 10 Progress reports on special regional projects and regional institutions.
Date[Bangkok] : UN, 4 Mar. 1983.
20 p.
"Annex: Report of the Governing Board of the Regional Coordination Centre for Research and Development of Coarse Grains, Pulses, Roots and Tuber Crops in the Humid Tropics of Asia and the Pacific on its 1st session": p. 5-20.